About Us
The primary mission of Ranch View school is to create and maintain a safe learning environment where all students are challenged, nurtured, and motivated to learn and grow. The priorities include not only academic skills; but also social, interpersonal, communicative, and decision making skills to become informed citizens in our democratic society.
Ranch View is a place where children feel safe. It is a place where all children can learn to the best of each individuals ability. It is a place where being a good citizen is expected and those who live up to the challenge are rewarded. It is a place where all adults: certificated staff, classified staff, and parents, work together for the good of the students. A dedicated and caring staff provides engaging opportunities for learning and sets high goals for achievement. Students are encouraged to begin at their levels and strive to meet and then go beyond the grade level standards set by the State. Parents are very important partners in the education of their children.
Ranch View School has various programs to meet the needs of the students including: EL, Intervention, Homework Club and Special Education. Positive behavior is encouraged and rewarded through the use of Wrangler Awards, Attendance Awards, Trimester Award Assemblies, Pizza with the Principal, Wrangler Awards, Most Improved Awards and Honor Roll Awards.
In order to ensure a safe school environment, disaster preparedness plans are in place that includes monthly practice drills. The school facility also hosts a library media technician and two library paraeducators. Technology is a priority at Ranch View School. All classrooms are connected to the Internet and approximately 400 computers are available for student use. Students have access to a variety of software including Accelerated Reader and Math, English in a Flash, Early Literacy, Renaissance, and Reading Eggs. Software is used in all classrooms for EL students to provide vocabulary practice and content skills.
Ranch View is staffed with a Principal, Resource Teacher, 2 Special Day Class Teachers, Speech and Hearing Specialist, and 31 teachers. The district also employs School Psychologists, Technology Specialists, an ELD/Curriculum Director, and a District Nurse, which we share with three other schools. Teachers continue to grow professionally through staff development, and conferences, with all achieving Highly Qualified status. Other staff members include an Office Manager, Attendance/Records Tech, Health Techs, Paraeducators, maintenance staff, cafeteria manager and staff, and Proctors.
School Hours Grades TK-6
8:00am - 2:30pm
Wednesday Modified Day is 1:30pm Dismissal
Recess Schedule
10:00am-10:20am Morning Recess: Kinder
10:00am-10:20am Morning Recess: 1st-3rd & 2nd half of Kinder
10:20am-10:40am Morning Recess: 4th-6th
12:50pm-1:05pm Afternoon Recess: Kinder
1:10pm-1:20pm Afternoon Recess: 1st-3rd & 2nd half of Kinder
No Afternoon Recess for Grades 4th-6th
On Modified Days, Only TK-1st Has Afternoon recess
Lunch Schedule
11:00am -11:40am
11:20am - 12:00pm
11:40am - 12:20pm
12:00pm - 12:40pm
12:20pm - 1:00pm
8:00am - 11:20am All Grades
Office hours 7:30am-3:30pm
Absence Hotline 24 hrs
Motto: We Dare to Dream Mascot: Wranglers School Color: Purple
Ranch View Elementary School of the Mountain View School District, opening its doors to grades TK-5 in 1991. Currently enrolling Tk-6 since 2020-2021 school year. It is located on the southeast corner of Old Archibald Ranch Road and Chino Avenue in the city of Ontario serving approximately 689 students. The student body profile, ethnic diversity, and multicultural flavor are reflective of the district and the city in which it resides. This diversity is a great asset facing the multicultural world of the twenty-first century.