Our School » Cafeteria



Dear Mountain View School District Families,

This past year has taught us a lot about the struggles and challenges that life has in store for us. We learned that there is a food insecurity in our community that should not go un-noticed. We believe that no child should have to go hungry or worry if they will have any food today. So as a District and with the guidance of the USDA, we will continue to serve breakfast and lunch under our Seamless Summer Program, through out the 2021-2022 school year. What this means is that EVERY child who attends a school at Mountain View School District will have the opportunity to enjoy a FREE breakfast and lunch. That's right, FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH. No need to fill out any lunch applications or deposit money into lunch accounts (unless your child wants to buy snacks).

The only thing we do ask is, that you continue to support Mountain View School District, in filling out our Education Benefits Form, that could be found by clicking this link: www.EZMealApp.com. This form will determine how much education funding our district will receive. With your help in filling this form out, Mountain View School District will receive the necessary resources to continue to provide all students with the highest quality education, including funding for things like computers, books, school supplies, and more.


As always, my team and I look forward to serving you. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.



Miguel Silva

Director Nutrition Services

Mountain View School District


Our Food and Nutrition Department has a website. Here, you can find our monthly menus with nutritional facts, easy meal applications, pay pal, wellness policy and much more!

Mountain View Food Services


First Lunch  TK/K            11:00a.m. - 11:40a.m.

Second Lunch   K          11:20a.m. - 12:00p.m.

Third Lunch   1/2            11:40a.m. - 12:20p.m.

Fourth Lunch  3/4            12:00p.m. - 12:40p.m. 

Fifth Lunch  5/6              12:20p.m. - 1:00p.m.